
Make a rag rug out of an old sheet

Make a rag rug out of an old sheet

Here is my rag rug in progress from an old queen size sheet set that someone gave me. The elastic was shot, but the fabric is still very usable. I have had success using a mixture of scrap fabric for the rag rugs, but it is so much easier to do it when you have longer pieces. The important thing is to use what you have. 🙂
I’ve had several people ask me how to make these. They are very easy to do. You do need to have some basic crochet skills for this version though. There are other ways to go about making rag rugs if you aren’t savvy with a crochet needle.

  1. First you’ll need to cut your fabric into strips. I do mine about 2″ wide. They can be narrower if you like. You can zip through the fabric in no time if you have a rotary cutter, but if not, scissors will do the trick. They do not need to be perfect. Imperfections will not show in this project.
  2. Next you cut off the hems from the sheet. They are a little too thick to deal with while crocheting.
  3. I fold the strips in half “hot dog” style on the ends and tie them together to join them into my fabric yarn.
  4. IMG_20130630_113656Then you begin by crocheting a chain of stitches. I have done it where I joined them into a circle and then made circular rugs. You can just keep adding rounds until you get the size rug you want. On this project I wanted more of an oval rug, so I crocheted a chain and then double crocheted stitches on to it for 2 more rows.
  5. IMG_20130630_113729In order to make the rug round out, you’ll want to add an extra double crochet stitch to each of the corners to make it turn. Every so often you might want to add another extra double crochet on the corners to keep it rounding nicely and not pucker up on itself.
  6. Tuck the stray ends of your fabric that stick out to one side of the rug. That way you’ll have a raggedy side and a smooth side to choose from.
  7. These rugs are machine washable and dry-able. I would also recommend putting down some sort of rubber grip under your rug if you have it on a smooth floor so that it doesn’t accidentally slip out from under you. I got some from where you by contact paper for drawers and shelves. It comes in a roll, but I’ve also see them as place mats.

I’d love to see your finished rag rugs if you make some!